CCLP Worldwide granted Special Consultative Status with the UN's ECOSOC

The Chamber of Computer Logistics People Worldwide (CCLP Worldwide) has been granted Special Consultative Status with the United Nations' Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

During the 7th Meeting of the Committee on NGOs, held on the morning of 2 February 2012 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, the CCLP Worldwide was recommended for Special Consultative Status. This development became possible only after CCLP Worldwide's Special Representative, "Shri" Cesidio Tallini, managed to overcome to the persistent objections of the Distinguished Representative of Pakistan on the night of 1 February 2012.

Well, the February 2012 recommendation by the Committee on NGOs was reviewed at ECOSOC's next meeting, which was held in July 2012, and the CCLP Worldwide was finally granted Special Consultative Status with the UN's ECOSOC.

The Chancellor of Saint René Descartes University, who is also CCLP Worldwide's Special Representative at United Nations Headquarters, has acknowledged the Charter of CCLP Worldwide, and is committed to the active promotion and realisation of its goals.

Moreover, the United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago (UMMOA) has signed an international collaboration framework agreement with the International Council of CCLP Worldwide on 28 July 2011, in which "[b]oth organizations seek and expect unprejudiced recognition from each other. The United Micronations Multi-Oceanic Archipelago (UMMOA) seeks to be accepted as a country for the promotion of the Education Charter. The International Council of CCLP Worldwide is an NGO seeking global recognition from countries and organizations in order to gain critical support for the promotion of the international Education Charter." It is thus clear that this NGO, with Special Consultative Status with the UN's ECOSOC, also recognises the UMMOA.

The UMMOA is recognised by several intergovernmental organisations (IGOs) and international non-governmental organisations (INGOs): Federation of International Blue Cross & Blue Crescent Organisations, Chamber of Computer Logistics People Worldwide, Azzurro Italia, Associazione Internazionale Mondo Animali–Corpo Internazionale Vigilanza Ecozoofilia, World Organization of Natural Medicine, Organization of Emerging African States, Intelligence Bureau Investigation, and International States Parliament for Safety and Peace

Переводить все не стану очень спешу,смысл таков через ряд международных организаций в ближайшее время в ООН  будет ставится вопрос о признании СММОА как конфедерации и самостоятельного субъекта  ООН.Что из этого получится не знаю,т.к в ЭКОСОС много наших организаций и без того состоит. Но надежда умирает последней( бедная Надька -)),коротко сказать поживем увидим. Балтия старейший член федерации СММОА и нам это в любом случае полезно ! Тем паче что,заниматься этим вопросом будет всё равно наш друг Чечидо,я же лишь дал ряд советов , напутствий и пожеланий в своем письме по этому поводу!( на чем откланяюсь ибо в разъездах и занят крайне)
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